Book a Strategy Call With Steph *Here*

Hi, I'm Steph!

I help photographers & videographers build and scale their businesses to $10k months.

Founder and creator of Stef Spills Ink and Business for Photographers and it’s my mission to show creatives, like you, how to get FULLY BOOKED in your photography business.

Let's Chat

Lauren made $100k in 7 months

This is how we did it; we updated her pricing, her offer and system for creating and incredible experience for her clients.

Let's Chat


400 000 photos taken of hundreds of ambitious entrepreneurs, with clients reporting over 30% increase in revenue after working with me.

Book a Free Strategy Call With Steph

If you are ready to get your next 10 clients, build a profitable business with ease, scale to $10k months and take your clients from COLD to SOLD, let's have a chat.


FREE MINI COURSE - 4 Essentials Steps to Starting Your Photography Business