Blog - Business for Photographers


Ways to Be Different in Your Photography Business🎨

Ways to Be Different in Your Business
In an industry as saturated as photography, standing out from the crowd can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. Embracing your uniqueness is the key to differentiating your business. Here are some ways you can do this:
1 Find Your Niche: Specializing in a specific type of photography can make you the go-to expert in that area. Whether it's weddings, wildlife, or urban landscapes, find a niche you love and master it.
2 Develop a Signature Style: Your style is your brand's visual voice. Try to develop a distinct aesthetic that becomes synonymous with your name.
3 Offer Exceptional Customer Service: Go the extra mile for your clients. Quick responses, personalized services, and follow-ups can make all the difference.
4 Innovate: Stay up-to-date with the latest photography trends and technologies, and don't be afraid to experiment. Innovation keeps you ahead of the curve.
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How to balance the creative vs the technical side of a photography business

How to balance the creative vs the technical side of a photography business

1. Balancing the creative and technical aspects of photography with the business side of running a photography business can be a challenge. You’ve just got to strike a balance between them.

2. Set aside dedicated time for business tasks: Allocate specific times during the week to handle admin. This will help you stay focused and avoid distractions during your creative time.

3. Stay organized: Use a system to keep track of your appointments, deadlines, and projects. This will help you stay on top of your workload and keep stress away.

4. Outsource when necessary: Consider outsourcing tasks that are not your strength or that take up too much of your time, such as your accounting editing.

5. Prioritize self-care: Taking care of yourself by eating well, going to the gym and having family time. Make sure to set aside time for activities that recharge your batteries and help you stay focused and motivated.


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3 Tips to selling your photoshoots

When you’re in a rut and feeling like your leads are starting to dry up these are some sure fire ways to get new clients through the doors!
Which one are you trying first?


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The NUMBER ONE thing holding you back from growing your photography business

You wont grow your photography business if you succumb to fear.

You wont scale your business if you don't step outside of your comfort zone and invest in reaching the next level.

Let me tell you where I went wrong...

When I started my photography business, I was making barely enough money to survive.

I didn't have systems, I didn't have processes and I was struggling to keep my head above water.

Once my business started to grow and I started to work with more clients, I couldn't keep up with the demand because I didn't have the structure behind me to support the growth.

I really needed to make a change in my business, so I hired a business coach and I took massive action.

What I did was...

I raised my prices
Created a really good marketing system
I have automations in the back end
My systems are structured and simplified

Once I created these processes, I started to see results and I was able to take my business to the next level.

Now my business has...

Consistent sales and bookings...

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The essential photos you need to get during your branding shoot

What shots do you need when having a branding shoot done?

Here's a list of essential shots to consider during your branding shoot:

1. Headshots:
   - Close-up headshot with a neutral background
   - Headshot with your workspace or business environment in the background
   - Casual headshot with a more relaxed pose

2. Lifestyle images:
   - Candid shots of you working, brainstorming, or sketching ideas
   - Images of you interacting with clients, customers, or team members
   - Photos of you enjoying a coffee break or engaging in a hobby related to your brand

3. Workspace:
   - Overview shots of your office, studio, or workspace
   - Detail shots of your desk setup, tools, or equipment
   - Images showcasing any branded materials or products

4. Product/service images:
   - High-quality images of your products or examples of your services
   - Images of your products being used or services...

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My ex told me my business would fail

 I had an ex-boyfriend who told me once I shouldn't bother starting a business because I wouldn't be able to make it work

I find this halerious now because I turned a borrowed camera into a multi 6 figure photography business.

Proving people wrong isn't the goal, it's the byproduct of doing this for YOU because you want it bad enough.

If you’re CRAVING support in your business, but can’t seem to get it at home, book in a free strategy call with me.


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The Vomit Pass

The Vomit Pass

One day you’ll be creative and everything flows.

The next you’ll be wanting to gag at your own work. I heard it from Judd Apatow first. The Vomit Pass.

He continued to say that if you judge yourself on your first draft, you’ll never make it to the next one.

So write it out, take that photo, make that post, share the Reel, tell the story.

Stop being so pedantic over everything.

Nothing you do will ever be perfect, but if you don't TRY, you’ll never move.

I worked super hard and for a long time to be working with and photographing women like this. Photos like these don’t just happen.

I paid my dues and definitely told myself that I suck at my own work.

But then, one day, you’ll be looking at your work and smiling because you know that you’ve achieved your goal.

You’ll finally be happy with your work. 

I’m so happy with this that I open my phone often to smile at it. 


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FREE MINI COURSE - 4 Essentials Steps to Starting Your Photography Business